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NHS: Personal Demographics Service - FHIR API

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Overview-n-nUse this API to access the Personal Demographics Service (PDS) - the national electronic database of NHS patient details such as name, address, date of birth, related people and NHS Number.-n-nYou can:-n-n search for patients-n get patient details-n update patient details-n-nYou cannot currently use this API to:-n-n check that you have the right NHS Number for a patient (but you can achieve this indirectly using search for patient or get patient details)-n create a new record for a birth-n receive birth notifications-n create a record for a new patient-n register a new patient at a GP Practice - instead, use NHAIS GP Links API-n-nYou can read and update the following data:-n-n NHS Number (read only)-n name-n gender-n addresses and contact details-n birth information-n death information-n registered GP-n nominated pharmacy-n dispensing doctor pharmacy-n medical appliance supplier pharmacy-n related people, such as next of kin (read only - update coming soon)-n-nCurrently, this API can only be accessed by healthcare professionals, authenticated with an NHS smartcard or equivalent. Unauthenticated access and citizen access are on the roadmap.